
As you know we will all be required to be compliant with the forthcoming EU Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) by the 25th May 2018.

At the outset Patrick McHugh Digital wishes to state that it will only ever seek to request and use the minimum of personal customer information. The sole purpose of requesting such information is to enable Patrick McHugh Digital to communicate with its customers to fulfill a range of business services as required. This data includes primarily customer names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and personal identification numbers.

Patrick McHugh Digital would like to assure its clients that it will continue to act always within its strong code of security and confidentiality. It will protect all customers’ personal information and will never disclose or reveal this inappropriately or in breach of data protection legislation.

It is essential to point out that all files held in off-site storage on behalf of our clients will always remain in the ownership of each client. Patrick McHugh Digital will not handle, change, amend or add to this data except to retrieve and return this from time to time as required by each client or, in some cases, to scan the hard copy document into a soft-copy format, again as required by individual clients.

In preparation for GDPR Patrick McHugh Digital has both reviewed and revised it’s core documentation and has also introduced new documentation where necessary.

Patrick McHugh Digital has also added a consent and data protection assurance statement to all client related documentation in compliance with GDPR. Any personal information collected from our clients will only be retained and updated as required while you remain a client of Patrick McHugh Digital. Once this ceases to be the case all personal information will be deleted from our systems and our records and you will be advised accordingly.

By completing all the above tasks Patrick McHugh Digital will therefore ensure that it will meet the requirements of the GDPR Legislation by the 25 May 2018.

In addition, Patrick McHugh Digital’s full management team has attended training courses on ensuring compliance with GDPR and continuous briefings are planned for all other team members as part of Patrick McHugh Digital’s continuous annual training programme.

As an SME Patrick McHugh Digital is not obliged to appoint a Data Protection Officer. However, in it’s place Patrick McHugh Digital has opted to appoint a Data Protection Liaison person Patrick McHugh who will oversee the legislation and will handle potential breaches, if any, going forward. This appointment has been completed.

If you have any questions or queries regarding Patrick McHugh Digital’s compliance with GDPR we will be very happy to have a discussion with you at any time. On behalf of our full team here in Patrick McHugh Digital we would like to assure you of our continued efforts to improve our service to you as efficiently and cost effectively as possible.